Smash Saturday Summer League Rules

-All games will be Decided using SMASH SATURDAY RULES.
* With the exception of #11.

2) Scoring
Teams will play Seven (7) Games per Match with the following points awarded for each round.

Winning the Match +5 points.
Winning a Game 21-0 +4 points.
Winning a Game +3 points.
Winning Match Score Differential +2 points.

A) Shutouts
NEW FOR 2025: Smash Saturday Summer League matches will no longer end in a shutout.

3) League Rankings
The Order of Teams from First to Last is determined by Number of League Points.

4) Players
-Eligible Players must be Registered.
-The League will consist of Male Players 21 years or older only.
-Players have the option not to play for a Captain that has drafted them the year prior.
-Each Player will earn a Skill Level Number (1-4). This Number determines the Player’s Team Rank during the season.
-Player Ranks will be re-evaluated every five weeks.
-Player Ranks will be re-evaluated prior to the start of the playoffs.
-If a team is forced to play with only two players Substitutes will be allowed.
–The substitute must not be a current member of the League.
–Games in which the sub plays, the opposing team will receive a game win on the scoresheet. However, the final score and individual stats will count.
-Barring Injury or Hardship, Players Must Play in a Minimum of 70% of their Team’s Matches for the team to be eligible for the Playoffs.
-If Disqualified because of lack of participation, not paying league dues in full or leaving a team while on an active roster – the player will not be invited back to play the following year.
-At No Time may a player participate in a game while holding another Human Being.

Playing Courts

Pit Preparation and Maintenance
The Home Team is responsible for preparing one of the pits of their assigned courts before each game. This preparation includes painting the stakes, sweeping the concrete surfaces and making sure the sand in the pit is consistent from front to back. Sand may be re-leveled during the game, without consent of the opponent.
-At no time may brooms or rakes be used to maintain the courts during a match.
-Only team members playing in a particular game are permitted to enter the playing surface.

-Painting of Stakes

To make the stakes more visible for the contestants, they may be painted between games so that there is a good contrast between the color of the stake and the color of the backboard. The painting of stakes shall not be allowed while a game is in progress.

6) Legal Lineups
SSSL encourages all members of a team to participate on Match Day – this allows for the fairest and best competition. However, it’s understood that sometimes players are unable to make a scheduled Match for any reason.

1. All Players are present on Match Day, they will play a Minimum of Three (3) Games and a Maximum of (4) Games.
2. If a player arrives with only Two (2) Games left in the Match, that player Must play both Games.
3. All Team Members Must Play in at least 2/3 of their Team’s Scheduled Matches (Not Games) for the Team to be Playoff Eligible.
4. A Minimum Legal Lineup of Two (2) Players must be present prior to the start of the first game.
5. The Away team will put its Players on the court Prior to playing the first game – with each player moving to his respective pit box. The Home team will then be afforded the Luxury of countering with the Players that best suits the team.

-Home Team will pitch first in Game 1.
-Away Team is responsible for Keeping and Submitting Scoresheet.
-Home team selects ‘shoe color and will throw first to begin the game.
-Winning Team is responsible for covering the pits after their Match. If Pits are not covered after play, Winning Team will be deducted Six (6) League Points.

After Game 1 the Winning team will put its Team out prior to playing the first game with each player moving to his respective pit box. The Team that Lost the Prior Match will then be afforded the Luxury of countering with the Two Players that best suits the team.

-After Game One, the Prior Game’s Winning Team will Throw First in each of the Match’s Remaining Six (6) Games.

A) Fairness Provisions

Because the Teams are so even, it is Difficult for any team to Fairly Compete if the Opposing Team fails to field a Full Squad. In order to Balance this, we’ve come up with the following “Fairness Provisions.”

1. If a Team is Missing Player #4 on a given Match Night, that team will only be allowed to play its #1 Player a Maximum of 4 times and not 3 Games in a row. Additionally, this team must play its #2 and #3 Five (5) times each. No player may play Six (6) Games.

Finally, the team missing its #4 must put its lineup out First prior to Each Game regardless of which team is Home or Away.

2. NEW FOR 2024: No team may play a Match with only two players. If a team can only field two players, that team must reschedule or forfeit the Match.

3. If a Team is missing its #2 player, #1 may play a Maximum of 5 games but no more than 2 in a row.

4. If a Team is missing its #3 player, #1 may play a Maximum of 4 games. Also, the team missing its #3 must play its #2 and #4 five (5) times. No player may play Six (6) Games.

5. If a team is missing #1 and #3, #2 and #4 or #2 and #3 – or any sequence that is not #3 and #4, there is No Penalty. For example, if a team can only play with #1 and #4 on a given Match Night there is No Penalty.

6. If a Team is missing its #1, #2 may play a Maximum of 5 games in any sequence.

-If Any of these Conditions are met by Both Teams (for example if Both #1s are out, #2, #3, #4 Players do not Show or only #1 and #2 show for Both Teams) these Provisions are waived and normal scoring and play will take place.

7. If an infraction occurs – the guilty team loses the game(s) 21-0 with all individual player stats counted except for the ineligible player. If the team loses the game where the infraction occurs, this penalty is given on the team’s last win in which that ineligible player played.

7) Postponements
The SSSL Competition Committee decides requests for Match Postponements. No requests for postponements will be entertained on the requesting team’s scheduled Match Day unless both team Captains and the Competition Committee agree.

Only the League Commissioner can postpone Matches because of weather.

SSSL will grant postponements for emergencies.

8) Team Captains
A single Team Captain will be designated by the team members in whatever manner they see fit.

Team Captain Responsibilities

A. Responsible for conduct and sportsmanship of team members.
B. Responsible for Fielding his team at the scheduled time.
C. Collect individual Player Competition Fee ($100.00 per man per year) and turn this over to the Treasurer prior to July 1.
D. Ensure that Signed Scoresheet Hard Copy or Photo is submitted to the League Office after the conclusion of his Match.
E. Work with opposing Team Captains to reschedule cancellations.

9) Rainouts
If a Match is cancelled by the Commissioner because of rain, the teams must make every effort to reschedule the Match within a month of the Rain Date. For any reason if the Match can not be Rescheduled, each team will be given Zero (0) League Points. Obviously, no individual stats will be recorded.

If a Match is suspended because of weather – and can not be made up – both teams would be given only the points they’ve earned before play was stopped.

10) Forfeits
If a team forfeits its Match, the opposing team will receive Seven (7) wins – with a Final Match Score of 28-0. These wins will not count toward any end-of-season tiebreaker.

11) Final Match Scores
Winning team must ensure a Signed Scoresheet is delivered to a League Representative for publication.

12) Tiebreakers
League Standing Tiebreakers will be settled by:
1. Wins
2. Head to Head.

13) Playoffs
– All Solvent Teams are eligible for the playoffs.
– Teams are insolvent if all League Fees are not paid buy the Due Date or if a member of a team does not participate in a Minimum of 70% of the Team’s Matches.

– If a player is unable to play in Playoffs because of injury or hardship, that team’s captain will be given a small list of eligible eliminated players from which to choose a replacement.
— This provision is only for players that will miss the entirety of the playoffs.
— Replacement players will be similar in playing ability to the injured player determined by Player Standings.
This must be approved by the Competition Committee.

– Lower Seeds will present its Players on the Pit to start a Playoff Match. After the First Game, that Game’s Winning team must present its Players out First. Going Forward, whichever Team wins each game must Present its Players on the Pit First.

A) Playoff Fairness Provisions

Best of Nine Playoff Match

1. Each Player Must play Two (2) Games in the first Four (4) Games (Game 1 thru Game 4) and Two (2) Games before any Game 9 (Game 5 thru Game 8).

For Example, as this is a best of Nine (9) games, Each Player will Play at least twice in Games 1 thru 4. Prior to Game 5, this Rule resets. As the Match progresses, the day’s best Two Players from each team may play the next two (2) Games (5-6) provided that the team’s other two players play Games 7 and 8 if needed.

If a Deciding Game 9 is Necessary, and providing all of the above rules have been met, ANY two players from Each Team may play – Regardless of number of games played.

2. If a Team Does not have all its Teammates Present, the team with the Full Squad will be the Home Team throughout the match regardless of Season Win/Loss record. This means that the team missing a player must put its lineup out first prior to Each Game. However, if the Team missing a player is the Higher Seed, it will be the Home Team for the First Game only.

If a Team’s #1 Player must play more because of a missing player, that Full Team has the option of countering that player with Any Player it wishes to use as long as its players have played twice in Games 1 thru 4.

Additionally, there will be a reduced Three (3) game requirement for members of the Full Team.
-Two (2) Games of the First Four (4) Games must be played by Each player. After Game 4, Each player on the Full Team is required to Play One (1) Game of however many remain.

3. If a team shows without its #4, the Full Team will only be required to play all players once in Games 1 thru 4. After Game 4, Each player on the Full Team is required to Play One (1) Game of however many remain.

Additionally, the #1 player on the team missing its #4 must obey the full squad rule of only playing twice before game 5 and twice before Game 9.

4. If a Team Shows for a Playoff Match with Only Two Players, the Match is forfeited.

5. If a team has a player in transit and that player is not yet at the pit before Game 3 begins, that team has the option to forfeit the game that player is set to play in or lose the player for the match. If there is a forfeit, the match will be halted for 20 minutes before the start of Game 4. This option is also available for Game 4.

6. No player may play 3 games in a row in games 1-4 and the same for games 5-8. Any player can play game 9 as long as the above rules are met.

Championship – Best of 11 Championship Match

1. Both teams Must have all Four Players on-site and Available for the Championship Match.

2. Games

-Games 1 thru 4 will be determined by the League Office prior to the start of the Match and after Player Skill Levels have been re-evaluated.

-All players must play Twice in Games 6 thru 10.

If a Deciding Game 11 is Necessary, ANY two players from Each Team may play – regardless of number of games played.

14) Fees
League Fee is $100 per Player for the Season. All League Fees Must be Paid by July 1st. Team captains are responsible for collecting fees and getting them to the League Treasurer.

Transparency Statement
The Smash Saturday Summer League Board Members believe wholeheartedly that in order for the League to be successful, we must promote transparency in all aspects of operational and financial matters and expect to share with the General Membership details regarding these matters.